
F4 Lobby Switch

Author: ShadowByte

Compatibility: Client

Description: Changes lobby on F4 click

"use strict";

// Author: NullDev
// Discord: ShadowByte#1337

module.exports = {
name: "F4 Lobby Switcher",
version: "1.0.0",
author: "NullDev",
description: "Switches Lobby on F4 press",
locations: ["game"],
settings: {
f4lobbyswitch: {
name: "F4 Lobby Switch",
id: "f4lobbyswitch",
cat: "Interface",
type: "checkbox",
val: true,
html: function(){ return clientUtil.genCSettingsHTML(this); },
run: config => {
if (config.get("f4lobbyswitch", true)) document.addEventListener("keydown", (e) => ((e.key === "F4") &&
(window.location.href = "")));

Custom Sky

Author: Giant, Vandy

Compatibility: Client

Description: Changes the sky color to any color you want

module.exports = {
name: 'Custom Sky Color',
version: '1.0.0',
author: 'Giant, Vandy',
description: 'Changes the sky color',
locations: ['game'],
run: config => {
Reflect.defineProperty(Object.prototype, "skyCol", {
value: config.get('skyCol', '#000000')

Interact Chat

Author: Mixaz

Compatibility: Client / Browser

Description: Makes it possible to select and copy chat

module.exports = {
name: 'Selectable Chat',
author: 'Mixaz',
locations: ['game'],
run: () => {
let newCSS = Object.assign(document.createElement('style'), {
id: 'selectableChat',
innerHTML: `#chatList * {
user-select: text;
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => document.head.appendChild(newCSS))

How to

Download / Install for Browser

1. Find Userscript you want do download
2. Click on "View Code" button
3. Copy the code of Userscript
4. Paste the code in Tampermonkey
5. Run Krunker

Download / Install for idkr Client

1. Find Userscript you want do download
2. Click on "View Code" button
3. Copy the code of Userscript
4. Paste the code in Notepad
5. Save as all files and "userscript_name.js" where instead of userscript_name use name of userscript
6. Move the file to Scripts path | Default: Documents/idkr/scripts
7. Run idkr Client

How to find Userscript

1. Press "CTRL + F" or "CMD + F" on your keyboard
2. Type name / author or compatibility of Userscript you want
3. If there are more than one result, just find your userscript by yourself